mercoledì 15 aprile 2015

Crotia: we made it! (ENG)

It’s Sunday 3rd August 2014 when we left the spa Šmarejške Toplice, Slovenia, in order to head to Croatia.
Since we left Italy, on 29th July, we had driven for almost 800 kilometres. Because we had had the brilliant and perhaps crazy idea of travelling by car without booking almost anything.

Want you discover something more about our adventures/misadventures? Then continue reading…

It’s 12.45 am when we crossed the Croatian border: Welcome to Hrvatska! The kilometres are 841 now, but we want to get to Dubrovnik, in the south of Croatia.
At about 3.30 pm we passed through Sveti Rok: a tunnel 5681 km-long!
We exchanged some euros at the motorway’s exit (it is the fastest and cheapest way of getting some kunas, the Croatian coin) and we headed to Murter island. Of course we found the draw-bridge up, but with a little patience we waited for a moment and then left again.

Our tent from the inside 
We found a camping in Tisno: the Dalmacija Camping. We rent a pitch. And now let’s assemble this tent…it was the first time for us as campers! But we got quite easily to our goal, also thanks to a family from Toscolano Maderno who lent us an hand-pump to blow up our Decathlon’s mattress. 

In the evening we came back to Murter again, that’s a lovely island and we decided to stay there for dinner: we ate some fish and ćevapčići, typical Croatian meatball… a bit spicy, but very good!
We came back to the camping and we had a good sleep in our tent, but on 4th August we had to leave again, in  fact we wanted to get to the south of Croatia and, in particular, to visit Dubrovnik.
The kilometres were 1400 when we reached the Bosnian border, but only 9 kilometres after we were at the Croatian border again!

We arrived in Mlini, a little village near to Dubrovnick and advised by our guide as a seaside resort. But we really didn’t appreciate it: it was full of people (we know, it was August and we should have foreseen it…), it is placed on a sort of little hill, so not very close to the sea, and there’s almost no parking to leave our car in.

Hopeless, after 2 hours and an half we arrived by chance in Slano where we met another Italian couple. With their help we found a room with a kitchen in common for the next few days at “Tia Maria”.
A man named Baldo welcomed us: he didn’t speak a word neither of Italian or English.
Room with a view in Slano 
On Tuesday 5th we spent the entire day visiting the town’s beaches, whereas in the evening we decided to visit Dubrovnik. We discovered that the only car park available costs 5 Euros an hour and yes, you have to pay it at any hour, round the clock.
That evening we also found the walls closed: the last visitors can enter at 19 or 19.30 according to the season. We came back to our car a bit sad, but at least we had paid the park for only an hour. But we hadn’t given up!

The following day we spent our morning at the seaside, but at 3.30 pm we decided to take a bus to Dubrovnik. We arrived at the walls at 4.15 where we paid the 10 kunas ticket (they refused to give us the students discount even though we had our university card with us). It was very hot that afternoon.
The view from Dubrovink walls
The walk is sometimes hard, but the walls with the red-roofed houses and the sea in the distance offer a view of a particular charm. We bought some souvenirs, and came back to the bus station on foot: it took almost an hour!
We were dead tired when we arrived in Slano and we ate an ice-cream for dinner.

On Thursday 7th we decided to leave again in order to find a better place to stay in: our idea, at the beginning, was to find an apartment where we could cook by ourselves, but we hadn’t expect to have to deal with so many Italian, German, French tourists (and a number of other nationalities tourists) who pack the entire Croatia in August.

We had driven for 1805 kilometres when we decided to stop in Omis to take a quick bath and then we started again to look for an apartment.
It’s 8 pm when we finally found a room with kitchen in common in Primosten, but unfortunately we could stop there only for a night since the room was booked for the following days. Everybody is kind so, if you’re planning to visit Primosten look for Villa Rudi!
For dinner, we cooked a carbonara we had dreamt of for days, we went to bed and the following mornig we left again.

On Friday we were desperate like never before! But at 3 pm we finally found an apartment (for 4 people) in Tribunj for 50 € a night (it was the lowest price found till that moment), the place looked pretty, so we decides to stay there. We immediately went to the jetty to take a bath, that’s full of teenagers diving!

On Saturday we visited the beach in a Murter, but it was so packed with people that we had to sit on the rocks, but it didn’t matter, we had bought the right footwear at a Decathlon shop before leaving. The sea here is amazing!
Murter's sea 
In the evening we went to Zadar where we saw its little church, the seafront and, above all, the sea organ! 
Zadar by night 
 On Sunday we turned up at Srima’s beach: even here the car park has a fee! Well, we paid almost every car park near the beaches in our holiday…
It’s 10th August, the night of fallen stars known as San Lorenzo, but there’s the “supermoon” in the sky that is so bright we couldn’t see any star.

The following day we got up early and we had a sort of brunch with a typical Croatian cake, full of cream and who knows what else…very tasty! Then we had a swim in a near beach, named Souja, this is the last bath of our journey…
In the evening we packed our bags because the following day, Wednesday 12th, we planned to leave early in the morning to visit the Plitvice Lakes National Park.

It’s 6.30 am and the kilometers are 2335 when we left. We arrived at 8.40 am and we finished our tour at 4 pm! Quite a long tour…When we started the weather was unstable, but after a while a shining sun appeared. 

A view of Plitvice 
We rent a rowboat to explore one of the lakes on our own and we restarted walking we met a lovely Australian couple who told us about the long series of journeys they had taken, we’d like to follow their example one day…

The lakes are the best “surprise” of our journey to Croatia. With our students discount we paid 220 kunas, i.e. about 28 € for two people: the ticket lets you take a tour on foot of the entire park and even to take the bus and the ferryboat, but in August you’ll find endless rows.
The lakes and the surrounding nature is flawless and breathtaking, that’s only a pity that you can’t take a bath in that fantastic and transparent water. The park is enormous and you can choose among different itineraries, from the hardest to the easiest, but if you’d like to visit all the lakes like we did take into account that it would take almost half a day.
Walk, walk, walk!
Once we had finished our tour we head to the room we had booked from Booking.con the previous day: the boarding house is named Rooms Marija, it is set in Korenica and its owners (Brajko and his with) are the kindest and nicest people we’d met during our holiday in Croatia. Following their advice we had dinner in a near restaurant were the typical “porchetta” (spit-roasted pork) was served. We ate porchetta and fries, we drank water and beer and finally we took the dessert: marmalade and chocolate crêpes (similar to Giuseppina’s palacinke). We spent 146 kunas, less than 20 euros.

On Wednesday morning we talked for a moment with the Croatian family using Google Translate to communicate because they don’t speak neither Italian or English.
The last stop of the journey is Rastoke, a small watermill village sprinkled with a number of waterfalls, extactely like Plitvice. 
It’s 3.20 pm when we arrived at the Slovenian border, we had driven for 2711 kilometres. We had planned to visit Bled then, but if you should know it you’ve read our post about Slovenia.
We only tell you that, once back home, we discovered that we had driven for 3386 kilometres in the whole journey….Yeeeeeey!

And these are our favorite places of the journey:
Have you ever visited them? Do you agree with us? Let us know!

Ale and Jessy 

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